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Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that during this Christmas season, the entire advertising world is banking on the hopes that they can stir within you a spirit of discontentment with the things that you already have? Every marketing ad, every sales catalog, every Facebook advertisement, every toy commercial, every car commercial,…
Christmas should be about celebrating the birth of Christ, creating memories, and enjoying friends and family, not about creating debt. Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but it should not come at the risk of your long-term financial stability. Be wise and have a plan! In this message we’ll look at six ways you…
Blogger, Heather Pace, once said, “The month of December is supposed to be a month where we gather as families with every intention of reflecting on the birth of our Savior, yet it always ends up being the month that we have the least amount of time for reflection.” Office parties, family gatherings, putting up…
As Jesus and His disciples press on towards Jerusalem, He shares with them in Mark 9:30-37 the second of three passion prophecies in the gospel of Mark. He was to be crucified, killed, and He would rise from the dead three days later. What could have been an intimate, powerful moment between the disciples and…
The Bible tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith. What does pleasing faith look like? In this passage, Jesus, Peter, James, and John are descending a mountain after the transfiguration of Jesus. When they get to the bottom of the mountain, chaos erupts. Scribes are arguing with the other disciples about…
Who Is Jesus? That’s the most important question that you’ll ever answer. In Mark 9:1-13, Jesus is on a six day journey up a mountain with Peter, James, and John. They are possibly climbing a mountain in that region that is approximately 9,000 ft. above sea level. Where is Jesus taking them? What are they…
What are you willing to sacrifice to follow Jesus? Last week we looked at Peter’s confession of Who Jesus is, but in this week’s text… Peter’s at it again. Be very careful… your heart can be the most deceitful enemy that you’ll ever face. In this message, we’ll look at five observations and two questions…
There are some questions in life that are life-altering. Questions like… “Will you marry me?” or “I’m sorry, but we’ve done all that we can do… would you like for us to take your loved one off life support? But no question is more important than the one I’m about to ask you… a question…
Miracle after miracle after miracle… and the disciples still do not get it. They get in the boat after grabbing one loaf of bread and yet they are arguing that they didn’t get enough. They failed to realize that the Bread of LIFE was in the boat with them. In this sermon in our #MARKED…
This is the ordination service of Chris Sibley, Bryan Powell, and Jason Forbes as deacons of Stoney Point Baptist Church.