Ever feel like you’re just going through the motions? Like your life is meaningless? Going to church is just what you’re supposed to do? Reading your Bible has become a ritual? Do you feel like you just need someone to breathe life back into your faith? Maybe it’s because we’re just doing what we’re “supposed” to be doing because we’re “good” Christians. Jesus didn’t call you to a life of robotic faith. You are redeemed! This week we are starting a new series from the book of James entitled #MechanicalChristianity– “Rescuing the Redeemed from a Robotic Faith”. In this sermon we’ll be looking at “The Doubt Dilemma” and how it cripples us and stifles our Christian walk. I would encourage you to read our text (James 1:1-18) this week in preparation for what God has for us.