Sermon Archive (Page 18)

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Choose Joy- “It’s Time To Grow Up” Phil. 3:12-16

Outline Of Chapter Three vv. 1-11 Paul’s Past (“I Count”) vv. 12-16 Paul’s Present (“I Press”) vv. 17-21 Paul’s Future (“I Look”) Summary: Paul’s progress in the Gospel: Through Christ, Not the Law. Paul emphasizes the need for progress in Christian living, presenting himself as one who continually reaches ahead to see God’s kingdom expanded.…

Choose Joy- “Joy Begins Where Self Ends” Phil. 2:1-11

Summary: Christ’s Example of Humble Service. This passage is often referred to as the “hymn of Christ.” Paul depicts Christ’s example of service in a stirring poem that traces his preexistence, incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of God. (ESV Study Bible) Three Reflections On Humility 1. The Definition Of Humility. (vv…