What do you do when things don’t go as planned? How do you respond when you take a bold stand for righteousness and no one is willing to stand with you or to stand up for you? In this week’s #KINGDAVID series, David goes from front and center as Israel’s champion to fleeing for his…
Sermons from September 2017
Beware of phony friendships… they cost you much more than they’re worth. How do the people around you, who call you friend, respond to your success? Your failures? Are they true friends? What does the Bible say about true friendships? After David slew Goliath, we read about two very different responses from Saul’s court to…
We all face giants of seemingly epic proportions in our lives, but there is a fine line between courage and stupidity! What God sees as courageous is often viewed and touted by the world as stupid. CS Lewis once said, “Courage is not simply one of the virtures, but the form of every virtue at…