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“IF”… “IF only I hadn’t made that mistake, THEN…” “IF only I had done that sooner, THEN…” “IF we weren’t so _________, THEN…” “IF our relationship was _______________, THEN…” “IF” is a conditional phrase that we often use to question our choices, our dreams, our hopes, and our desires… BUT, “IF” is an enemy of…
IMPOSSIBLE! How many times have you heard that word? How many times have you used that word? The word, when used as an adjective, simply means…”not able to occur, exist, or be done.” Some scholars attempt to say that John Mark and Matthew were confused about the details of the miraculous feeding of the 4,000…
The great Charles Wesley wrote, “O for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer’s praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace!” There are two themes in Mark 7 that cannot be overlooked. The first is found in vs. 24… “Yet, He [Jesus] could not be hidden” and the…
He was born into slavery, violence, and was separated from his parents as a child, yet Frederick Douglass became a great leader of the abolitionist movement, an accomplished author, and an outstanding orator. He couldn’t get a job in physics for two years after graduation, yet Einstein became a Nobel Prize winning physicist for developing…
Have you ever purchased something at the store or maybe online only to get home and discover that the item that you spent your hard-earned money on is broken… right out of the box? G.K. Chesterton once said, “The sin nature of man is the only religious doctrine that can be scientifically, empirically verified. All…
Well the store aisles are full of shoppers stuffing book bags with pencils, paper, and all of the necessities required to prepare our kids to head back to school. “Back to school” shopping usually marks the beginning of seasonal traditions. Summer will transition to fall and everything pumpkin spice and football will abound. Fall will…
Have you ever felt like you were being used? In this sermon we’ll take a look at the last four verses of Mark 6. The disciples have just anchored up after a difficult night at sea. They had just left a desolate place and had arrived at a very desirable location, the seaside village of…
What do you do when the wind is against you? This week in our #MARKED series we’ll look at the account of Jesus praying for the disciples as they are caught in a storm. God is a faithful God and a giver of good gifts. You can trust Him today and always.
Vance Havner once said, “If you don’t come apart and rest, you will come apart!” As we continue in our #MARKED Series, we will be looking at Mark 6:30-44 as the disciples return from their mission and Jesus tries to take them to a desolate place in order to properly rest. In this message, we…
Brother David Patterson preaches on Philippians 3:10-11, “Knowing Christ And Being Like Him”.