Sermons by Duncan Edge (Page 16)
Three Biblical Examples Of Godly Mothers Jochebed- A Mother Who Feared God. Hannah- A Mother Who Trusted God. Mary- A Mother Who Surrendered To God. 10 Characteristics Of A Godly Mother 1. She doesn’t lose sight of her priorities. (vv 10-15) 2. She invests in the future of her family. (v 16) 3. She understands…
“Final Thoughts” Philippians 4:21-23 Summary: Benediction. Paul ends his letter with a reminder that true progress in life is a gift of God through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. (ESV Study Bible) Six Final Thoughts On Philippians 1. Be Kind To One Another. 2. Remember To Pray For One Another. 3. Stay Gospel…
Summary: Thanksgiving for the Philippians’ Gift; Paul’s Contentment in God. Paul thanks the Philippians for their gift to him and assures them that God will in turn supply all of their needs. (ESV Study Bible) Genuine Joy Will Produce Three Things In The Life Of Every Believer Are You A Thermostat? Or Are You A…
Summary: “Think about these things”… The Philippians are to fill their minds with things that will inspire worship of God and service to others. (ESV Study Bible) Lay The Foundation For Right Thinking 1. Remember WHO You Are! 2. Remember WHOSE You Are! Five Things To Remember About Authentic Joy (From 4:8 Principle) 1. Joy…