Of all the destructive forces on the planet, very few are as destructive as an angry spirit. In today’s sermon on Matthew 5:21-26, we’ll look at “The Danger Of Anger” and how to avoid it.
Sermons by Duncan Edge (Page 20)
In this 3rd sermon in our Convergence Series, we’ll take a look at the hinge upon which the entire sermon on the mount turns… the hinge of declared righteousness… or life’s most important equation.
Why Salt? Why Light? In our study of Matthew 5:13-16 we’ll use the law of inversion to look at this specific teaching of Jesus and how it applies to us.
What does the Law of Inversion teach us about life? What does the Law of Inversion teach us about eternal life? In this sermon, we take a look at the beatitudes and what life would look like if we looked at it from the end to its beginning. Turn it around and upside down!
In this final sermon in our 20/20 Vision series, we’ll take a look at the ONLY cure for spiritual blindness… JESUS.
How is your vision? Do you see the lost? The hurting? The broken? In this sermon, we look at four symptoms of spiritual blindness and five causes. Next week we will look at the cure for spiritual blindness.
In this sermon, we take a look at what happens when we do not see what is on the periphery of our lives. In the story of Mary and Martha, Martha was struggling with spiritual tunnel vision and failed to see the importance of a moment with Jesus.
As we close out a new decade, we turn our attention to what the next decade will hold. In this series, we will lay the foundation and framework for casting a vision for our family/children, community, church, and our Gospel impact. This five-week series will challenge you to take a long, hard look at why…
Seeing Jesus through the eyewitnesses of the Christmas story. In this third and final sermon, we will look at Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene, the shamed follower of Jesus. Both understood the power of worship in the wilderness of life.
Eschatology… a big word with many confusing theories. What did Jesus actually say? Who was Jesus actually referring to in Mark 13? Is this for us in the future? Take a listen as we study Mark 13 together.