Impatience is dangerous. Thomas Watson once said, “There are no sins God’s people are more subject to than unbelief and impatience. They are ready either to faint through unbelief, or to fret through impatience.” Tomorrow we will begin our #KINGDAVID series by looking at Israel’s growing impatience with God. Someone once said, “Good things come…
Sermons by Duncan Edge (Page 27)
As we close out the epistle of 1 Peter in our #EXILES series, we recognize the most destructive and deceptive enemy of the Gospel message… the spirit of pride. In his book, A Preface To Paradise Lost, C.S. Lewis wrote, “In the midst of a world of light and love, of song and feast and…
This message in our #Exiles series will focus on 5 questions to ask yourself if God gives you the opportunity to become a leader. Next week we’ll finish up our Exiles series and begin a new series entitled “King David”- The Triumphs and Tragedies of a King.
Far too often our worries rob us of our worship. In this sermon on 1 Peter 4:12-19, we are going to look at five reasons we should choose worship over worry.
God never promised you your best life now. In fact, Jesus tells us in John 16 that we should expect trouble and tribulation in this world. In this 2 part sermon, Peter helps us identify four things when should avoid when we face trials.
God never promised you your best life now. In fact, Jesus tells us in John 16 that we should expect trouble and tribulation in this world. In this 2 part sermon, Peter helps us identify four things when should avoid when we face trials.
Living as exiles in a world that is not our home… what does the world see in us? In this sermon on 1 Peter 3:8-22, Peter highlights four things that the world should see in us while we walk this side of eternity.
G.K. Chesterton once said, “I have known many happy marriages, but never a compatible one. The whole aim of marriage is to fight through and survive the instant when incompatibility becomes unquestionable.” No marriage is perfect and all families are dysfunctional… why? Sin. Sin breeds selfishness, discontent, and division. Peter highlights two things in marriage…
No one likes to be detoured. Roadblocks hinder us from reaching our destination efficiently. As we look at 1 Peter 2:13-17, we examine our role as dual citizens. This world is not our eternal home but it is our temporal home. When Peter tells us to submit to authority, does he mean total submission to…
This is the third part of our “Old Habits Die Hard” sermon. Remember, YOU are the church. You are the church at Walmart. You are the church in your workplace. You are the church when you are driving down Hope Mills road. You don’t stop being the church. Do people see Jesus in your life?…