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Someone once said, “People do not realize how important decisions are until they make the wrong ones.” The word legacy means to cast a lengthened shadow of one person or one institution. There is no reset button in life. You can’t take anything back, and you can’t undo anything. All of your actions have consequences,…
JC Ryle once said, “Do nothing that you would not like God to see. Say nothing you would not like God to hear. Write nothing you would not like God to read. Go no place where you would not like God to find you. Read no book of which you would not like God to…
J.C. Ryle once said, “True repentance begins with KNOWLEDGE of sin. It goes on to work SORROW for sin. It leads to CONFESSION of sin before God. It shows itself before a person by a thorough BREAKING OFF from sin. It results in producing a DEEP HATRED for all sin.” As we continue in our…
Euripides once said, “Life has no blessing like a prudent friend.” Each new year begins with people longing for a fresh start, hoping for a prosperous future, and setting goals to get the most out of what this life has to offer. New Year’s Eve is a great time to take personal inventory of what’s…
As we continue our series on the Life of King David, we reach that dreadful part of the story where the curse of sin takes center stage. Never underestimate the depth of the depravity of the human nature. In just one chapter, David goes from a man after God’s own heart to an adulterer and…
In this final part of our 2017 Advent Series, we focus on the word rejoice! Because of Jesus, we have reason to rejoice, regardless of how dark the world may seem. We rejoice because our Savior has come! As Christians, we can celebrate and this weary world can finally REJOICE!
This is the 3rd sermon in our 4-part Advent Series- The Thrill Of Hope. Up to this point we have looked at the words expectation, preparation, and in this sermon, we’ll take a long hard look at “The Road To Repentance” from Luke 3:1-17. John the Baptist has received a word from the Lord while…
Our lives seem to be filled with the clutter of worthless things. In this second sermon in a four-part advent series, we are going to be looking at what John the Baptist was called to proclaim. Our need for a Savior… our call to repentance…our response to the Gospel of Grace…and the removal of useless…
This is the first of a four-part Advent Series as we prepare our hearts for the second coming of our Savior. In this sermon we’ll look at the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth as the angel reveals to them that they will have a son who will go before Jesus, announcing His coming. They were…
In 2 Samuel 11:1-5, King David is 50 years old. He’s been the reigning king of Israel for 20 years. He’s rich, he’s powerful, and he’s popular. It’s spring in Israel, a time when war is commenced, but David sends Joab to war while he basks in his accomplishments. At the beginning of 2 Samuel…