Summary: Philippi prided itself on being a Roman colony, offering the honor and privilege of Roman citizenship. Paul reminds the congregation that they should look to Christ, not Caesar, for their model of behavior, since their primary allegiance is to God and his kingdom. They need to stand together with one another and with Paul…
Fill In The Blank… To Me, Living Is ____________ 1. Paul’s Desire. (vv 18-20) 2. Paul’s Dedication. (v 21) 3. Paul’s Dilemma. (vv 22-26) How Do You Define Living? 1. Living Is Defined By Purpose. (vv 18-20) The Purpose Of Your Life Is To Magnify Christ In All Things 2. Living Is Determined By How…
*SUMMARY: Paul assures the Philippians that, though he is imprisoned, the gospel is still advancing (vv. 12–18). He is joyfully confident that no matter what happens, he will be delivered and Christ will be honored. (*ESV Study Bible) When Difficulties Come, You Have A HUGE Decision To Make. Will You Advance? or Will You Retreat?…
*THEME: The chief theme of Philippians is encouragement: Paul wants to encourage the Philippians to live out their lives as citizens of a heavenly colony, as evidenced by a growing commitment to service to God and to one another. The way of life that Paul encourages was manifested uniquely in Jesus Christ; it was also…
*Four Thieves That Can Rob Us Of Our Joy (Warren Wiersbe) 1.Circumstances 2.People 3.Possessions 4.Worry Five Things To Remember When You Encounter Roadblocks To Joy (Acts 15:36-16:40) 1. God Can Be Glorified Even In The Roadblock Of Division. (Acts 15:36-41) 2. God’s Will Apart From God’s Timing Will Not Receive God’s Blessing. (Acts 16:6-7) 3.…