GK Chesterton once said, “There is a lot of difference between listening and hearing!” Tomorrow in our 11am gathering we will be continuing our #MARKED series by looking at Mark 4:1-20, “Listener Or Hearer?” Which one are you? Do you struggle in this area? In this passage, Jesus is teaching His disciples the parable of the…
Sermons by Duncan Edge (Page 24)
Someone very wise once said, “A mother is the only creature whose heart beats outside of her own body.” So very true. Sometimes when a pastor is preaching verse by verse through a book of the Bible, he finds himself in a dilemma when special holidays are celebrated on specific Sundays. Should he preach a…
CS Lewis says in his book, The Four Loves, “There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even…
CS Lewis said in his book, Mere Christianity, “A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.” How does it make you feel when someone stereotypes you? Does it not bother you that we live…
As we continue our #MARKED series (a study in the Gospel of Mark), we are going to look at Mark 1:28-2:12, “When Jesus Heals”. Isn’t it awesome to know that we serve a God Who heals? Yes, He can and often does heal our bodies but that’s not the reason He came. The supernatural healing…
As we study the Gospel of Mark over the next several weeks, I want us to hone in on this theme of being “Marked” for the sake of the Gospel. As believers in Christ, we are called to stand out… be different… Different in how we treat people. Different in how we respond to authority.…
If there was ever a disciple we could relate to, it was Peter. In this Easter message, we are going to look at Jesus, through the eyes of Peter, as he makes His way to the cross and defeating death. Peter has major control issues. He, like many of us, tried so hard to say…
As Jesus turns and makes His final approach to Jerusalem, He encounters a rich young ruler and a blind beggar. In between the encounters, Jesus makes His final passion prophecy in the presence of His disciples. In this final passion prophecy, Jesus takes the opportunity to teach the disciples the eternal significance of what He…
Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Over the next three weeks we are going to be looking at three passion prophecies where Jesus predicted that he would be rejected, suffer, die, and rise again. In each of those prophecies, the disciples were confronted with a difficult dilemma. They missed the Gospel because their focus was…
Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Over the next three weeks we are going to be looking at three passion prophecies where Jesus predicted that he would be rejected, suffer, die, and rise again. In each of those prophecies, the disciples were confronted with a difficult dilemma. They missed the Gospel because their focus was…