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In Peter Jackson’s “The Return Of The King”, the third movie in JRR Tolkein’s Lord Of The Rings series, Pippin and Gandalf engage in the following conversation when Gondor is under attack and defeat seems imminent: Pippin: “I didn’t think it would end this way…” Gandalf: “End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is…
As we take a look at what the Bible says about Heaven over the next few weeks, I’m reminded of a question posed by John Piper. He asked, “Would you be satisfied with going to Heaven if Jesus wasn’t there?” Ponder that for a moment. There are a number of misconceptions about Heaven. Commercials often…
As we take a look at what the Bible says about Heaven over the next few weeks, I’m reminded of a question posed by John Piper. He asked, “Would you be satisfied with going to Heaven if Jesus wasn’t there?” Ponder that for a moment. There are a number of misconceptions about Heaven. Commercials often…
Anyone can cut and paste Scriptures out of context and scream that Hell does not exist and that you don’t have to worry about going there. In fact that’s exactly what Brett Gallaher does in his blog, “Four Reasons Why You Are Probably Not Going To Hell”, published on The Huffington Post weblog in January…
In one of his more recent writings, Rob Bell, a “pastor” of a 7,000 member mega-church in Michigan broke theological ties with church historians and basic Gospel theology by throwing his support behind the theological teaching of Universalism in his book entitled, “Love Wins”. What is universalism you may ask? Universalism is the belief that…
According to a recent CBS poll (April 2014), “three out of four Americans believe in the existence of a heaven or a hell, including 66 percent who think both exist. Eleven percent believe only heaven exists. Seventeen percent of Americans don’t think either place exists.” However, there is one statistic that is missing… death. Death…
Way before I was born, Jack Webb played Sgt. Joe Friday on a popular tv show entitled “Dragnet”. Joe Friday’s most infamous catch phrase was “Just the facts, ma’am.” For the past 3 months we have been walking through the book of Ecclesiastes in search of answers to life’s toughest questions. As we close out…
Out with the old, and in with the new… or so they say. How was your 2016? Are there things that you wish you would’ve done differently? The week between Christmas and New Years always seems to offer us the opportunity to narrow our focus regarding time and our use or misuse of it. We…
In the first and second week of our 2016 Advent series, we’ve looked at the significance of three trees… the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of life, and the tree that was used to build the manger. In each of those gatherings we opened two gifts: the gift of choice…
Last week we looked at two trees that were placed in specific locations in the Garden of Eden. God warned man about the precious gift that he was about to be given… the gift of choice. Giving a man options is the ultimate test of love. However, any abuse of this free will to choose…