Sermon Archive (Page 31)

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AFTERLIFE SERIES- “Does Hell Exist?” Matthew 5:17-30

In one of his more recent writings, Rob Bell, a “pastor” of a 7,000 member mega-church in Michigan broke theological ties with church historians and basic Gospel theology by throwing his support behind the theological teaching of Universalism in his book entitled, “Love Wins”. What is universalism you may ask? Universalism is the belief that…

AFTERLIFE SERIES- “Death’s Trifecta” Genesis 2:1-17

According to a recent CBS poll (April 2014), “three out of four Americans believe in the existence of a heaven or a hell, including 66 percent who think both exist. Eleven percent believe only heaven exists. Seventeen percent of Americans don’t think either place exists.” However, there is one statistic that is missing… death. Death…