Why is change so difficult? Why is it so hard to break old habits? Our pride hinders us from seeing our sin, our hardness of heart, and our utter brokenness. Tomorrow we’ll continue our #EXILES series in 1 Peter as we look at part 1 of “Old Habits Die Hard” 1 Peter 2:1-12.
Sermons by Duncan Edge (Page 28)
On this Mother’s Day we take a look at a very humble, unassuming woman who changed the world by modeling character and conviction. We’ll be studying the decisions of Moses’ mother, “Jochebed, When Joy And Responsibility Collide.”
One of my favorite movies growing up was Back To The Future with Michael J. Fox. It’s one of those movies that all the kids of the 80’s rave about. It’s about a small-town California teen, Marty McFly, who is thrown back into the ’50s when an experiment by his eccentric scientist friend, Doc Brown,…
If you haven’t noticed, the world can be a pretty hostile place to live… especially for a follower of Jesus. What are we to do? Worry? Whine? Cry foul… or have pity parties for ourselves? Do we sell everything we have and move to Montana in hopes that Jesus will return soon to rescue us…
If you haven’t noticed, the world can be a pretty hostile place to live… especially for a follower of Jesus. What are we to do? Worry? Whine? Cry foul… or have pity parties for ourselves? Do we sell everything we have and move to Montana in hopes that Jesus will return soon to rescue us…
So far in our #Easter series we have journeyed from the parade to the upper room, and from the garden of Gethsemane to the cross. This Sunday we’ll reach our destination… the tomb. So… (pt1) “When Things Don’t Go As Planned” (pt2)”… And Life Goes From Comfortable To Chaotic”, (pt3)”You Have A Decision To Make.”…
In this sermon we will continue our journey from the Parade and the Garden to a place we scarcely want to venture… the Cross. Why? Why is the cross so controversial? Just last week Marshall Polston, a 20 year old sophomore at Rollins College, was suspended from college because his muslim professor stated that “the crucifixion…
Last Sunday in our #Easter series, we focused specifically on the Triumphal entry of Christ as He made His way into Jerusalem. It was the first of four sermons taking us on a journey to the resurrection of Jesus. We focused on John 12 last Sunday with five things to remember “When Things Don’t Go As Planned…”,…
How many times in your life have you questioned God? But God, why me? Why MY family? Why MY job? My health? My children? MY MY MY! It’s easy for us to complain about our circumstances. Helen Keller once said, “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet”…
What do you treasure? As pastors, we often talk about “laying up treasures in heaven or where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”… but what do you REALLY treasure? Growing up, the things we thought were important turned out to be pretty lame. The things we thought were pretty lame turns out…